Uitvinden volgens de crowdsource manier: Quirky Manifesto

Een boeiend concept, uitvindingen doen met behulp van crowdsourcing! Dat is wat Quirky.com doet.

Quirky Manifesto from Quirky on Vimeo.

How Quirky Works

Submit your idea

It doesn’t matter if it’s a little doodle, a crazy chemical formula, or a “wouldn’t it be cool if…”, sharing your idea is the first step toward bringing your idea to life.

Help Us Decide

There are thousands of ideas submitted to Quirky every week. Deciding which of these ideas are the best is in your hands. Go ahead and vote on the ones you love, and help our inventors make their products better.

Our Weekly Ritual

Every Thursday, we gather a group of industry experts, friends, and community members at our Headquarters in New York. Watch live as we drink beer and debate the best ideas that have been submitted. Before we’re allowed to go home, we’ve chosen the next products that we’ll begin working on.

Influence & Earn

You play a role in every single decision we make. Help us decide something as simple as what color we should make a product, or as complicated as how to solve an engineering issue. Clicking buttons on Quirky makes you money.

Making It Real

Woohoo! We’ve invented something. Unfortunately, it’s still just a picture, but before long it’ll be a product, in a box, at a store, that earns you cash. Quirky uses some of the most state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques to make high quality products.

The World Prospers

In the end, the world has access to an invention that wouldn’t have existed without your help, and you have access to more cash to spend on new shoes or college or booze or…. you know, whatever you want.

Zijn hier nog mensen met goede ideeen, bekijk de website van Quirky eens en kijk of je je uitvinding via die manier een stapje verder kunt brengen.

Aanverwante informatie:
-) Website Quirky.com

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