De onstopbare opkomst van de cooperatieve economie
In deze TED talk een mooi verhaal over hoe de opkomst van de cooperatieve economie niet meer is tegen te houden v0lgens de spreker. Shane is a REconomist, entrepreneur, environmentalist and dreamer. He left the UK at 17 to discover the world, without money, direction or date of return — just a fascination for big questions like “is a better world possible?” 20 years later, his current work with the Transition Network’s REconomy Project ( exposes him to the rise of the new economy and a possible answer.
In his talk, Shane explores the rise of seemingly unrelated new economic trends that are global enough in scale and are evolving at such a rate that they could trigger a positive economic systemic shift. Cooperatives provide 100 million jobs worldwide, 20% more than multinational enterprises. Online collaboration techniques (open source and peer-to-peer systems) — are spreading. Niche groups experimenting with cooperation-based economics are outperforming competition-based enterprises.
At a time when mainstream confidence in the old economy is at a low Shane provides hope in a plausible and positive vision of the future based on present and credible economic trends.
Wat denken mensen hier van de mooie verhalen over een cooperatieve economie. Zijn het alleen de dwaze hippies die dit soort onzin verkondigen of moeten de eigenaars van het huidige economische systeem zich voorbereiden op andere tijden? Is er hoop aan de horizon?
Aanverwante artikelen en informatie:
-) Webiste
-) Website
-) Eerdere artikelen van Rachel Botsman over de cooperatieve economie