Interne autoriteit en eigen verantwoordelijkheid
Voor al die mensen die zich afvragen, wat wordt er van de wereld als we niet meer in externe autoriteiten geloven? Het antwoord is dat je dan beseft dat je je eigen autoriteit bent en dus zelf aan de gang zult moeten. Bah wat een vervelend nieuws, of misschien toch niet… Juist door je eigen verantwoordelijkheid te nemen voor je eigen leven kunnen mensen weer de creator worden van hun eigen bestaan en het spel des levens weer gaan spelen vanuit de enige waardige positie van waaruit het te spelen is, je eigen positie.
Bekijk voor een verdere toelichting ook dit korte filmpje van Larken Rose, ongeveer 10 min. met de toepasselijke titel: But what will be done about…
For those who ask how problems will be handled, if there was no “government.”
En verder gaat Larken Rose ook in het laatste deel van zijn boek hierop in vanaf pagina 141 tot aan het einde van zijn boek, hier het begin van dat stuk.
Part IV Life Without the Superstition
Nearly everyone can see at least some problems with the “government†he lives under, whether it be corruption, war-mongering, socialist redistribution, police state intrusions, or other oppressions. And many are desperate to ï¬nd a solution to such problems. So they vote for this or that candidate, support this or that political movement or party, lobby for or against this or that legislation, and almost always end up disappointed with the results. They can easily identify and complain about various problems, but an actual solution always eludes them.
The reason they are always disappointed is because the problem does not reside in the people called “governmentâ€: it resides in the minds of their victims. Tinkering with “government†cannot ï¬x a problem that does not come from “government.†The dissatisï¬ed voter fails to realize that it is his own view of reality, his own belief in “authority,†that is the root cause of most of society’s problems. He believes that a ruling class is a natural, necessary, beneï¬cial part of human society, and so all of his efforts focus on bickering over who should be in charge, and on what the power of “government†should be used for. When he thinks of “solutions,†he thinks inside the box of statism. As a result, he is powerless from the beginning. Begging masters to be nice, or asking for a new master, never leads to freedom. Instead, such behaviors are dear indicators that the person is not even free inside his own mind. And a man whose mind is not free will never be free in body. People are so accustomed to engaging in the cult rituals collectively referred to as “politics†(voting, lobbying, petitioning, campaigning, etc.) that any suggestion that they not bother participating in such pointless and impotent endeavors amounts, in their eyes, to suggesting that they “do nothing.â€
Because they view voting, whining and begging as the entire spectrum of possibilities open to them when it comes to “government,†they are unable to even comprehend anything that might actually accomplish freedom. So when a voluntaryist or anarchist explains both the problem and the way out of it, but without presenting a new candidate to vote for, a new political party to support, or some new movement or campaign to get behind-in other words, without proposing anything that coincides with the superstition (of “government†and “authority’<=the average statist will complain that no solutions were offered.
From their perspective, anyone who does not play the game of “politics,†within the rules set down by the ruling class, is “doing nothing.†They enthusiastically declare, “You have to participate!†They fail to realize that participating in the game created and controlled by tyrants is “doing nothing†nothing useful, at least. In truth, rather than some event needing to occur, or some particular thing needing to be done, the real solution-the only solution to the problems involving “governmentâ€-comes from not doing certain things, and from certain things not happening. In one sense, there is no positive, active solution to “government.†The ultimate solution is negative and passive:
Stop advocating aggression against your neighbours. Stop engaging in rituals that condone the initiation of violence and reinforce the notion that some people have the right to rule. Stop thinking and speaking and acting in ways that reinforce the myth that normal people should be, and must be, beholden to some master, and should obey such a master rather than follow their own consciences.
En ook het volgende tekenfilmpje laat duidelijk zien hoe een wereld zonder een heersende klasse eruit zou kunnen zien.
Wat denken mensen, zijn we zelf in staat om oplossingen te bedenken en te implementeren. Zijn we in staat ons eigen leven vorm te geven zoals wij dat graag zouden zien?
Aanverwante artikelen en informatie:
-) Youtube kanaal Larken Rose
-) The Story of the Tiny Dot
-) The Non Aggression Principle
-) Larken Rose in de rol van een Statist
-) De plantage van koning Willem
-) Als jij koning zou zijn
-) Intensieve menshouderij
-) Josie The Outlaw over zelfeigenaarschap
-) Discussie over Voluntarism vs Authority
-) Lezingenserie over The Natural Law or The Real Law of Attraction door Mark Passio
-) Het einde van al het kwaad, een boek van Jeremy Locke
-) Het meest gevaarlijke (bij)geloof, een boek van Larken Rose
-) In het licht van voortbestaan
-) Bashar, volg je hoogst passie met integriteit en zonder verwachtingen
Interne autoriteit en eigen verantwoordelijkheid Meer lezen »